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Gerard Serré
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Home     Ferdinand     Jeanne     Gaetan     Ubald     Pauline     Adrienne     Liliane     Gerard     
Florence     Andre     Bernard    Lucien     Benoit     Therese     Marcel     Claude     Eugene     Daniel
06-Gerard was born April 30th 1944
Gerard quit school fall of 1959 at the age of 15 years old to help provide for the family. He he worked 4
winters and three summers in lumber camps.
1963-64 worked in Sachene Québec building the Russian pavilion for Expo 67’.
Fall of 1965 to 67 worked in Wabush mine in Salvador as a welder-met his wife Betty there and married in
March of 1967.
Summer and Fall of 67 worked  at Dupont in North bay welder and mechanic.
From 1968 to 1975 he worked at the Sherman mine in Temagami as a welder and mill wright.
1975 worked Iron One co. Salvador City as maintenance foreman.
1975 to 1978 production manager for Transcontinental Coach in Sturgeon Falls.
Serre fuel selling petro Canada products from August 78 to 98 (owned and operated by Gerard).
Owned  a Restaurent and Garage in Warren  98 .
Currently retired in St-Charles Ontario and enjoying life.
Gerard's childrens