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Jeanne Serré
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Home     Ferdinand     Jeanne     Gaetan     Ubald     Pauline     Adrienne     Liliane     Gerard     
Florence     Andre     Bernard    Lucien     Benoit     Therese     Marcel     Claude     Eugene     Daniel
Jeanne was born August 2nd 1917
Jeanne Aubin Serré at 14 years of age  went to an Ottawa convent but was soon sent home for
poor health. She married Ferdinand Serré April 20th 1937.
Dedicated her life to her sixteen children and grand children. She had 8 miscarriages and many
operations. Jeanne would spend countless hours nitting cloths  for her children.

In the summer it was gardening, pickling cleaning the house etc...
Jeanne had a great voice and would fill the household with her beautiful songs.
A devout catholic, prayers were repeated daily.

Jeanne died in April 5th 1997 at 79 years old